Guru Stotram: Lyrics & Meaning


Lyrics in Sanskrit:

ॐ  ब्रह्मानन्दं परमसुखदं केवलं ज्ञानमूर्तिं
द्वन्द्वातीतं गगनसदृशं तत्त्वमस्यादिलक्ष्यम् ।
एकं नित्यं विमलमचलं सर्वधीसाक्षिभूतं
भावातीतं त्रिगुणरहितं सद्गुरुं तं नमामि ॥

Lyrics in English:

Om Brahmanandam parama sukhadam kevalam jnaanamurtim
Dvandvaateetam gaganasadrusham tatvamasyadi lakshyam -1
Ekam nityam vimalamachalam sarvadheesaakshibhuutam
Bhaavaateetam triguna rahitam sadgurum tam namaami. -2

Meaning in English:

He who has attained the Bliss of Brahman, the Supreme Joy, He who is pure (free from delusion), embodiment of Wisdom

Beyond the duality of the world, sky high in spirituality, He whose attention is on "I am that"

One with divinity, Eternal, Without impurities, immovably established in truth, He who is witness to everything (from his omniscience.)

Beyond the mind(emotions), without the three Gunas (of Sattva, Rajas, Tamas), Salutations o that Holy Guru.

Meanings of the words:

  • Brahmanandam: Bliss of Brahman; Brahma=Brahman, the absolute consciousness; Ananda=Bliss
  • Parama Sukhadam: Ultimate Joy; Parama=Ultimate/ Supreme; Sukha=Joy, happiness
  • Kevalam:Isolated, separate from impurities, pure bliss;
  • JnanaMurtim: Embodiment of Wisdom; Jnana=Wisdom, knowledge; Murti=form, idol, embodiment
  • Dvandvaateetam: Beyond Duality; Dvanda=Duality; Ateeta=Beyond (the reach)
  • GaganaSadrusham: Like the sky; Gagana=Sky; Sadrusham: Like, Equal
  • Tatvamasyadi Lakshyam: He whose attention is on the supreme reality; Tat-Tvam-Asi=I am that (God); Aadi=such other; Lakshyam=Focus, concentration, attention.
  • Ekam=One
  • Nityam=Eternal
  • Vimalamachalam= Without impurities & immovable; Vimala=without impurities; Achala=immovable;
  • SarvadheeSaakshiBhootam: Witness to everything; Sarva=Everything; Sakshi=Witness; Bhuutam=Existence, manifestation
  • Bhaavateetam: Beyond emotions & thoughts; Bhaava=emotions, Ateetam=Beyond
  • Triguna Rahitam: Without the Three gunas; Trigunas=Three gunas of Sattva, Rajas, Tamas; Rahitam=Without
  • Sadgurum= Holy Guru; Sadh=Holy; Guru=Dispeller of Darkness
  • Tam=To that
  • Namaami: Salutations

Lyrics in Sanskrit

  1. ॐ अखण्डमण्डलाकारं व्याप्तं येन चराचरम्
  2. तत्पदं दर्शितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः

Lyrics in English

  1. Om Akhanda Manadalakaram Vyaptam yena Charaacharam
  2. Tadpadam Darshitam Yena Tasmai Sri Guruve Namaha

Meaning in English

  1. Lord he whose form is one whole which is indivisible present everywhere, pervades both Moving(living) & Non-moving(Non-living) manifestation.
  2. Guru, he who has seen the feet of such Lord (he who has experienced Oneness with the ultimate), Salutations O blessed One.

Meaning of the words

  • Akhanda:Indivisible, Consciousness which is one and isn't further divisible; Khanda=piece
  • Mandala: surrounding, circle, group;
  • Aaakaram: Form
  • Vyaptam: Pervading, Covering
  • Yena: he who
  • Charaacharam: Moving & non-moving; Chara=moving; Achara=Non-Moving
  • Tad=such, that
  • Padam=feet
  • Darshitam: Seen, seeing
  • Tasmai:To him
  • Sri: Holy, auspecious, respected
  • Guru: Dispeller of Darkness; Gu=Darkness, Ru=Remover
  • Namaha: Salutations